Cloning and running the code

In order to contribute to Aurelia-Materialize bridge, you need to create a fork of this project, install its dependencies. This section shows how this is done.


Make sure you have installed nodejs, git, npm, gulp and jspm.

Cloning the repo

  • Clone it to your computer using git, open a terminal and change the working directory to the directory with your clone. This guide will reference to the clone directory as root.

  • Make sure you have installed npm, gulp and jspm globally.

  • Install top-level dependencies:

    • In root run the following commands:

      • npm install

      • jspm install

    • in root/sample run the following commands:

      • jspm install

Running the code

Run gulp watch in root.

After a short while, BrowserSync will prompt you with a local URL which you can open in your browser.

Last updated