Lazy loading wrappers

Application Developer notes

5.3 Lazy loading wrappers

There are two ways of pulling in the wrappers that you need: via the plugin configuration callback (globalResources equivalent) or <require> wrappers in a view.

5.3.1 Plugin configuration callback

You may have the following line in main.js:

.plugin('aurelia-kendoui-bridge', kendo =>

This tells the plugin to load all Kendo PRO wrappers and register them globally (using the globalResources functionality of the Aurelia framework). That way, you can use these wrappers in any view without having to pull them in. This approach is recommended if you use a subset of Kendo controls (see the "Loading subset of controls" article), and when you use wrappers in many different views.

5.3.2 <require> wrappers in views

A different approach is to <require> wrappers in views where needed. This is a more efficient way than using the plugin configuration callback as it does not increase the load time of the entire app, however, pulling in the wrappers via <require> takes more work to get right.

This is how you would <require> the grid wrapper in a view:

<require from="aurelia-kendoui-bridge/grid/grid"></require>
<require from="aurelia-kendoui-bridge/grid/col"></require>
<require from="aurelia-kendoui-bridge/common/template"></require>

Note that you need to know the location of the wrappers. These paths can be found in the config-builder.js file of our plugin.

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