

  1. npm install aurelia-kendoui-bridge --save

  2. Open aurelia_project/aurelia.json and append the following to the dependencies section of the vendor-bundle:

     "name": "aurelia-kendoui-bridge",
     "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-kendoui-bridge/dist/amd",
     "main": "index",
     "resources": [

    Note: When getting ready to create a production bundle you will want to make sure that all resources that you use of the bridge (all wrappers) are defined in the resources property in aurelia.json. This tells the CLI to add these files to the bundle. If you don't do this you will get 404's after deploying, as RequireJS will look for the missing files in their original location (node_modules/aurelia-kendoui-bridge/some-file.js)

  3. While still in the aurelia.json file, change the stub property of the text plugin to false:

     "name": "text",
     "extensions": [
     "stub": false
  4. open main.js and register the plugin:

     export function configure(aurelia) {
       aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());


It is strongly recommended to continue with the getting started page

Last updated