Kendo UI Library

Kendo UI Library

Progress® Kendo UI is an HTML5 user interface framework for building interactive and high-performance websites and applications. Kendo UI is a comprehensive framework providing 70+ Kendo UI widgets, and includes a simple and consistent programming interface, a rock-solid Data Source, out-of-the-box themes, an MVVM framework, and more. Kendo UI includes widgets for enterprise-grade line-of-business applications and is suitable for creating professional websites.

Kendo PRO vs Kendo Core

The free, open source version of KendoUI core SDK is a subset of the licensed KendoUI PRO

The comparison table gives a good overview between Kendo Core and PRO.

You are required to purchase a Kendo UI Professional license in order to use Kendo UI PRO Library. However, in the context of this Installation document, we present only the Kendo UI PRO Library installation, with the assumption that you will use it as an evaluation if you do not have the Kendo UI Professional license already. Besides the obvious simplification in the installation process, it is also expected that the Bower based installation of Kendo UI Core version will soon not be available any more.

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